EV SSL – Authentication Requirements

EV SSL gets highest level of consumer confidence through strict verification standards. EV SSL authentication rule require a Certificate Authority to obtain and confirm some information that identifies Extended Validation Certificate Approver.

Your SSL certificate application is processed fast and rapidly, you must provide authentication of the documents described below.

EV SSL Certificates provide online business identity by verifying the existence of physical laws and the certificate holder. Quick and simple EV SSL Approval

Steps for EV authentication:

  • Finish the online registration process to get your ID
  • The organization approval (identified in the order of EV certificates) must sign and file the appropriate form of recognition agreement (often in PDF format)
  • After receiving the form, following the requirements of authentication is to ensure that your order can be processed conveniently

Extended Validation confirmation requires getting and confirming multiple section of identifying information about the Organization and Organizational Contact listed in the enrollment.

EV SSL Certificate
starts from €59.80/yr.

More Info

Additional Verification Requirements

If we are unable to confirm any of the essential information on your SSL Certificate request, we may apply for you to provide a legal opinion letter from a lawyer or accountant to confirm the information.

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4233 reviews
from actual customers at
This is just on buying but but that went ok now to see if installing is so easy then I will give full review
Kerry V
easy so far. plenty of faq's and helpful descriptions. time will tell...
Debbie C
Easy and simple process, cheaper than other, lets hope it all works out properly.