GlobalSign Wildcard SSL Certificate

GlobalSign Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate is the quickest way to validate your primary domain and all associated subdomains. It is a perfect product for saving time and money because the administrator does not need to handle multiple certificates for each subdomain.

Brand GlobalSign
Domain Secured Single Domain and All Sub-domains
Validation Domain Validation (DV)
Issuance Time 10 Minutes
Warranty USD $10,000
Wildcard Support Yes
SAN Support NO
WWW and NON-WWW support Yes
Browser compatibility Yes
Unlimited Reissue Yes
Unlimited Server Licenses Yes
Trust Seal globalsign site seal
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How Do Multi-year Licenses Work?

Domain Validation

Issuance in Minutes

Up to 256 bit Encryption

Wildcard Support

99.9% Compatibility

GlobalSign certificates are recognized by all operating systems, servers and browsers. Users will enjoy a seamless browsing experience and there won’t be any SSL compatibility issues on any mobile or desktop.
100% Compatibility

Trusted by Leading Companies Globally

Trusted by Leading Companies
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Best customer service. You will be surprised how efficient and friendly they are.
Anonymous Customer
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Kerry V
The purchasing process & support was very nice, I'm happy to become a client of Cheapsslshop.
Md. Tahajul I / Dhaka, bangladesh