SSL Certificate FAQs

SSL certificates are a great medium to solve issues of threat, spying, sniffing, and phishing activities as they authenticate and protect ongoing information between two ends (user browser and web server). However, many newbies have little knowledge about SSL practices, so keeping this in mind, we have listed FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that generally strike an individual’s mind when anyone wants to know about SSL certificates.

What is SSL?

SSL (secure socket layer) is a protocol designed to protect online information over the web. Encryption technology works on public key infrastructure (public and private key). SSLv3.0 was in practice but deprecated in 2015 due to vulnerability, and TLS was introduced. TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, and TLS1.3 versions have been in practice. The current version is TLS1.3 which was published in 2018.

What is an SSL certificate?

Why do I need an SSL certificate?

What is the role of Encryption in SSL?

What is encryption strength?

What is the importance of authenticity, integrity and encryption in SSL?

What is Asymmetric encryption?

What is Symmetric encryption?

What types of SSL certificates are available?

What is the maximum validity an SSL certificate holds?

How does an SSL order purchase work?

What is Validation in SSL?

What is a public key?

What is a private key?

What is a CSR?

Why is CSR generated?

What is the role of SSL warranty?

What is a root certificate?

What is intermediate certificate?

What is a Chained root?

How many certificates one can order?

What is browser compatibility in SSL?

What could be the budget for an SSL certificate?

What is the SSL site seal?

What is an SSL padlock?

What is a Free SSL certificate?

What is a Wildcard certificate?

What is an Extended Validation certificate?

What is a Business Validation certificate?

Why is EV SSL the most trustworthy?

What is a SAN SSL certificate?

What is a UC Certificate (UCC)?

How many domains can I secure with a Multi-Domain (SAN) SSL Certificate?

What is a Code Signing certificate?

What is a Self-signed certificate? Why is it untrusted?

What could be the situation in revocation of SSL certificate?

How SSL helps SEO?

Why is SSL certificate management Essential?

Why is Always-On SSL required?

How do browsers verify the status of a revoked certificate?

How can the ECC algorithm replace RSA?

What does FQDN stand for?

How can Mixed Content error affect website reliability?

What is OpenSSL?

How does SSL protect against phishing?

What is a Vulnerability Assessment?

What is Norton Secured Seal?

I have accidentally deleted my “private key” what can I do now?

Do I need a unique IP address to install an SSL Certificate?

I have changed my server/provider; how do I move the certificate?

Why should you buy an SSL certificate from us?

What is a Certificate Authority, and what is my relationship with them?

Can SSL be issued on the internal domain?

If I have not received my Domain Control Validation (DCV) email, what to do?

How to reschedule the phone verification call?

How to update obsolete verified phone numbers?

To whom do I send a validation document?

What does Failed Security Review mean?

I haven’t I received the certificate after the validation competition?

My CSR is not looking perfect; what should I do?

How do I change the wrong common name?

In case of “private key” is deleted, what should I do?

How to install an SSL certificate on more than one server?

How to renew an SSL certificate?

Do I need to create a new CSR at the time of SSL certificate renewal?

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I have been buying my certificates from Godaddy for over a decade and will now be migrating them all to cheapSSL at renewal along with any future products I require.
Christopher W
It was failing at first but then started to work once I hit a private browser window
Anonymous Customer
The entire support staff is always very quick and helpful in resolving all our queries not matter how technical the error is. Would not look for any other place for my SSL needs.
Ravi B