Buy RapidSSL Certificates only at ₹872.00

Low-Price & High-Speed Issuance of RapidSSL Standard and RapidSSL Wildcard Certificates
Single Domain SSL
To protect your single-domain website, renew/buy RapidSSL certificate. Get instant issuance.
Wildcard SSL
Secure all of the single-level subdomains of your primary domain with RapidSSL Wildcard.
Multi-domain SSL
Secure multiple websites in a single certificate with the cheapest multi-domain SSL.
Code Signing
Review and purchase Comodo’s cheapest price code signing certificates.

Cheap RapidSSL Certificates – Key Features

Buy RapidSSL Certificates at CheapSSLShop for Quick and Easy Encryption – Save up to 86%
Low-Price Guarantee

Low-Price Guarantee

Cost-effective, cheap RapidSSL Certificates powered by a trusted CA like DigiCert!
99.9% Browser Support

99.9% Browser Support

All browsers, smartphones, & other devices are compatible with RapidSSL certificates.
Instant Issuance

Instant Issuance

No paperwork required for issuing these certificates, enabling fastest domain validation.
RapidSSL Trust Seal

Secure Site Seal

Site seal labeled as “Secured by RapidSSL” ensures a highly secured website for users.
Unlimited Server Licenses

Unlimited Server Licenses

Create multiple copies and install your Rapid SSL certificate on multiple servers.
Free Tech Support

Free Tech Support

24/7 customer support from expert tech geeks via email, chat & phone calls. All for Free!

Cheapest RapidSSL Certificates at CheapSSLShop

To combat online fraud and uphold customers’ trust, it is now crucial for online businesses to use RapidSSL. Safeguard your small and medium-sized organizations with RapidSSL which is well-known for offering fast domain-validated certificates.

RapidSSL Certificates offer a super-quick, industry-standard SSL alternative with standard domain validation. Trusted by millions, including 40% of the Fortune 1000, RapidSSL is highly trusted and well-recognized. They offer very limited products – RapidSSL Standard and RapidSSL Wildcard Certificates.

Why CheapSSLShop?

  • Competitive Pricing
  • Fast Validation Process
  • Smooth Checkouts
  • 24/7 Expert Support
  • 30-day Refund Policy

Buy RapidSSL Certificates: Same Certs for Less Price

Quick Installation | Lowest Price Guarantee | 100% Refund Policy | 24/7 Free Tech Support | SHA-256 Encryption
Brand RapidSSL RapidSSL
Product Name

RapidSSL DV certificate

RapidSSL Wildcard Certificate

Price ₹872.00/yr. ₹6104.00/yr.
License 3 years 3 years
Buy / Renew Buy Now Buy Now
Domain Secured Single Domain Single Domain and All Sub-domains
Validation Domain Validation (DV) Domain Validation (DV)
Issuance Time 10 Minutes 10 Minutes
Warranty USD $10,000 USD $10,000
Wildcard Support NO Yes
SAN Support NO NO
Browser compatibility Yes Yes
Mobile support Yes Yes
Refund 30 Days Refund 30 Days Refund
Unlimited Reissue Yes Yes
Unlimited Server Licenses Yes Yes
WWW / NON-WWW support Yes Yes
Malware Scan NO NO
Trust Seal rapidssl site seal rapidssl site seal

RapidSSL – Frequently Asked Questions

What is a RapidSSL certificate?

RapidSSL is a 256-bit, single-root SSL certificate. It is one of the most extensively used Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificates globally and the top-selling quick and easy SSL certificate. Encryption and identity are the two best qualities it possesses. For websites that don’t process transactions or collect personal information, it makes an ideal alternative.

What is RapidSSL Wildcard certificate?

RapidSSL Wildcard secures any number of first-level subdomains with a single certificate. This is the fastest and most cost-effective way to implement automated domain validation. The built-in 256-bit encryption guarantees consistently high levels of web security.

Is RapidSSL trusted?

With a focus on offering inexpensive Domain Validation SSL certificates, RapidSSL is one of the most well-known and enduring certificate brands. These certificates are very affordable and offer incredibly robust 256-bit encryption to safeguard visitors to your website. Since DigiCert, the market leader in reputable SSL solutions, now owns and runs RapidSSL, it is a very safe option for any website.

How much does a RapidSSL certificate cost?

RapidSSL Certificate is your go-to source for DV certificates. This certificate is among the most affordable ones available, with annual costs starting at just ₹872.00 at CheapSSLShop.

How to renew RapidSSL certificates?

You don’t need to worry about renewing your certificates because we offer free SSL expert services to guide you through every stage. CheapSSLShop is offering up to 86% discount on RapidSSL DV certificates and Wildcard certificates. Renew or buy RapidSSL certificates at the most affordable price.

What is the difference between RapidSSL standard and RapidSSL Wildcard certificates?

All the first-level subdomains will be secured by a RapidSSL wildcard SSL certificate for the domain like * In contrast, the RapidSSL standard certificate can only protect one domain name like and

How to install a RapidSSL certificate?

There are a few standard actions that must be taken before installing the RapidSSL Certificate. For instance, purchasing or renewing, generating CSR, saving private key & CSR on a file server, and requesting the issuance of SSL certificates. Once done, you can perform installation steps as per your server type. CheapSSLShop offers detailed instructions for creating CSRs and installing SSL certificates on various servers. For additional installation help, you can also consult our chat support team, which is available 24/7.
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4402 reviews
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fast and simple, good support to solved doubts, now i need to test the certificate!
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